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Stream 1: Gender Identity and Gender Expression in Canadian K-12 Education

2025 SSHRC Connection Grant (applied)

2024 CIHR Catalyst Grant (applied)

2024 SSHRC Partnership Engage Grant

2023 University Summer Student Research Fellowship

2023-2024 SSHRC SIG Exchange Grant, Queen's University

2020-2021 SSHRC Connection Grant

2018-2020 SSHRC Insight Development Grant

2018 SSHRC SIG Explore Grant, Queen's University

2018 Seed Grant, Queen's University, Faculty of Education

2018 Seed Grant, University of Ottawa, Faculty of Law

See CV for expanded funding details.


Knowledge and resource hub for K-12 student gender expression and gender identity self-advocacy: 


Airton, L., DesRochers, J., Kirkup, K., & Herriot, L. (2022). Toby goes to Catholic school: Ontario Catholic school board policy and the protection of gender expression. Canadian Journal of Education, 45(3), 587-617.


Kirkup, K., Airton, L., McMillan, A., & DesRochers, J. (2020). The aftermath of human rights protections: Gender identity, gender expression, and the socio-legal regulation of school boards. Canadian Journal of Law & Society, 35(2), 245-268. [Open Access version.]


Timmons, K., & Airton, L. (2020). Welcoming gender diversity in the early years: Interpreting professional guiding documents for gender-expansive practiceContemporary Issues in Early Childhood. (Advanced online publication.) [Open access version.]


Airton, L., Kirkup, K., McMillan, A., & DesRochers, J. (2019). What is "gender expression"? How a new and nebulous human rights construct is taking shape in Ontario school board policy documents. Canadian Journal of Education, 42(4), 1154-1182.


Martino, W., Airton, L., Cumming-Potvin, W., & Kuhl, D. (2018). Mapping transgender policyscapes: A policy analysis of transgender inclusivity and gender diversity in the education system in OntarioJournal of Education Policy, 34(3), 302-330.


Meyer, E., Stafford, A., & Airton, L. (2016). Transgender and gender-creative students in PK-12 schools: What we can learn from their teachersTeachers College Record, 118(8), 1-50.

Image by Marie-Michèle Bouchard

Stream 2: Welcoming Gender and Sexual Diversity in Teacher Education

2025 SSHRC Insight Grant (applied)

2023 SSHRC Insight Development Grant

2022 SSHRC Connection Grant

2021-2023 Catalyst Grant, Queen’s University

2021 ACU Gender Grant, Association of Commonwealth Universities

2020 Seed Grant, Queen's University, Faculty of Education

2020-2022 SSHRC Insight Development Grant

2019-2020 Faculty of Education Dean’s Research Endowment

2018 Seed Grant, Queen's University, Faculty of Education

See CV for expanded funding detail.


Initial instrument development for two forthcoming cross-Canada studies of under-represented teacher candidates' experiences of school-based practicum.


Airton, L., Searle, M., Melendez Ron, S., Carbone, K., Watt, B., Martin, K., & Lefebvre, N. (2024). Toward proactive support for transgender and/or gender non-conforming students in teacher education: Initial findings of an action research study. Bulletin of Applied Transgender Studies, 3(1-2), 113-136.


Lee, E.-Y., Airton, L., Jung, E., Lim, H., Latimer-Cheung, A., Szto, C., Adams, M. L., Faulker, G, Ferguson, L., Peers, D., Phillips, S., & Yi, K. J. (2024). Development and validation of the SAFE (Socially Ascribed intersectional identities For Equity) questionnaire: A Delphi process. Acta Psychologica, 245.


​Harwood-Jones, M., Martin, K., & Airton, L. (2023). Reimagined and redesigned: How (and why) to stop the exclusive provision of gendered washrooms and changerooms on post-secondary campuses. Canadian Journal of Higher Education, 53(1), 62-79.


Lee, E.-Y., Airton, L., Lim, H., & Jung, E. (2023). An urgent need for quantitative intersectionality in physical activity and health research. Journal of Physical Activity and Health. Advance online publication.


Airton, L., & Martin, K. (2022). How teacher education profoundly and unremarkably fails transgender and/or gender non-conforming candidates. Teachers College Record, 124(8).


Payne, E., Airton, L., & Smith, M. (2022). Accounting for transgender in pre-service and in-service teacher education. In M. Mangin & M. I. Suárez (Eds.), Trans studies in K-12 education: Creating an agenda for research and practice (pp. 101-131). Harvard Education Press. [Open Access version.]


Airton, L., & Koecher, A. (2019). How to hit a moving target: Thirty-five years of gender and sexual diversity in teacher educationTeaching and Teacher Education, 80, 190-204. [Open Access version.]


Lim, H., Jung, E., Jodoin, K., Du, O., Airton, L., & Lee, E-Y. (2021). Operationalization of intersectionality in physical activity and sport research: A systematic scoping review. SSM – Population Health, 14.


Airton, L. (2014). Hatred haunting hallways: Teacher education and the badness of homophobia(s). In E. J. Meyer & D. Carlson (Eds.), Gender and sexualities in education: A reader (pp. 387-399). New York, NY: Peter Lang. [Open Access version.]

College Campus

Stream 3: Gender-Friendly Curriculum and Pedagogies for a Polarized World

For Teacher Use


Airton, L. (2021). Gender pronouns. In A. Goldberg & G. Beemyn (Eds.), The SAGE encyclopedia of trans studies. Sage.


Airton, L. (2021). Supportive classroom practices. In A. Goldberg & G. Beemyn (Eds.), The SAGE encyclopedia of trans studies. Sage.


Woolley, S., & Airton, L., Eds. (2020). Teaching about gender diversity: Teacher-tested lesson plans for K-12 classrooms.Canadian Scholars Press.


Airton, L. (2020, November 9). Welcoming gender diversity in the ‘free speech’ era: Tips for handling anti-transgender speech in the classroom. Facing Canada: A Facing History community blog.


Airton, L. (2019, Summer). The gender-friendly classroom: Practical advice for teachers on welcoming gender diversity every day. Education Canada. [Accompanied by a discussion kit for self-guided educator discussions.]


Haimson, O., & Airton, L. (2019, June 4). Making space for them, her, him, and ‘prefer not to disclose’ in group settings: Why pronoun-sharing is important but must remain optional. National Center for Institutional Diversity Blog.


Airton, L. (2018). Gender: Your guide - A gender-friendly primer on what to say, what to know, and what to do in the new gender culture. Adams Media (An Imprint of Simon & Schuster). 


Airton, L. (2017, November 27). Teaching about a debate and teaching through debate are not the same. The Toronto Star.




Airton, L. (2023). You don’t know me: Welcoming gender diversity in schools via an ethic of hospitality. Curriculum Inquiry, 53(2), 148-168.


Konnelly, L., Bjorkman, B., & Airton, L. (2022). Towards an engaged linguistics: Nonbinary pronouns as a site of advocacy in research and teaching. Journal of Language & Sexuality, 11(2), 133-140. 


Airton, L., & Woolley, S. (2021). The chalice (or, how to occult yourself, gender-wise): An affective exploration of ‘teaching about gender diversity.’ (Advanced online publication.) Review of Education, Pedagogy and Cultural Studies. [Open Access version.]


Airton, L. (2020). Resistance is useful: Social justice teacher education as an affective craft. In B. Dernikos, N. Lesko, S. McCall, & A. Niccolini (Eds.), Mapping the affective turn in education: Theory, research, and pedagogies. Routledge. [Open Access version.]


Airton, L. (2019). Welcoming what we cannot imagine: Toward a sensory curriculum in social justice teacher education. In W. S. Gershon (Ed.), Sensuous curriculum. In the series Landscapes of Learning (M. F. He & W. H. Schubert, Eds.). Information Age. [Open Access version.]


Airton, L. (2018). The de/politicization of pronouns: Implications of the No Big Deal Campaign for gender-expansive educational policy and practiceGender and Education, 30(6), 790-810. [Open Access version.]



(C) Copyright 2025 - Dr. Lee Airton. All rights reserved.

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